Hotel Castello’s conference room hosted the opening event of the program called Cultural thematic route formation (CULTROUTE) which is being realized by Beremend and Petlovac Townships.

The bigger settlements of the area can also find linking points in the framework of Hungary-Croatia IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme 2007-2013 but further tenders can be expected soon for the next period.

At the beginning of the program pupils from Siklós, schoolgirls and schoolboys from the Kanizsai Dorottya Primary School performed Hungarian and Croatian songs for the participants of the conference.

The conference was opened by Lajos Böbék, the vice mayor of Beremend. The opening presentation was given by Csaba Balázs vice major who talked about the trends in the word in conection with the tourist utilization of the cultural heritage. He also mentioned the UNESCO convention and the latest Krakow Charta in relation with this topic.

He talked about the immediate and mediate purposes and the target audience of the cultural – thematic routes. He also enhanced the three cardinal content elements of a cultural route. He summarised in his closing words that the individual enthusiasm can achieve outstanding results but long-term sustainability demands much more.

The second presenter Gábor Gálosi, project manager reviewed the Hungarian part of the project introducing the settlements, those values, the planned project methods and the facilities related to the visitor management. He also gave details on the expenses of the project.

The third presenter Laura Blagus Tenjeri, project manager displayed/introduced the similar developmen purposes of the Croatian region. She emphasized the natural value of the area and the potential of the Hungarian-Croatian relationship.

The closing presentation was given by Marian Zelei, program manager from Budapest, the representative of Hungarian-Croatian Joint Technical Secretariat. The expert informed the audience of the conference about the result of the IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme between 2007 and 2013 and the possibility of the term between 2014 and 2020. Subsidization can be achieved in the next budgetary period for forming natural and cultural routes, co-operation, education and economic developments. As she said this public summons can come out as early as the beginning of 2016.
